End of Week 1

We were at the site today with the machines quiet. There are large piles of things up near the headlands of the property – huge dirt piles, huge piles of stumps and sticks, huge pile of wood chips, two to three large piles of logs separated into good logs and bad logs, giant piles of boulders. They still need to tear down the old dilapidated camp and clear the junk from that section of the woods.

We wandered up and down the hill in the fairly oppressive heat (for Vermont) and found a snake and a frog which both fascinated H, especially when the frog peed on me which was apparently hilarious.

Next week bigger things get under way – driveway gets marked out and cut in, they plan out electric and well water trenches as well as the septic area. A determination on the presence of ledge that needs addressing either via a jackhammer excavator tool or blasting will happen too. If blasting is involved, it will add a huge price to the cost so I really hope we can avoid it.

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